
논문명 공조기를 이용한 가압테스트를 통한 외피 기밀도 실측/Building Envelope leakage measurement using the air-handler fan pressurization approach
저자명 한슬기 ; 조홍재 ; 정재원
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2012
페이지 시작페이지(109) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 공조기를 이용한 가압테스트 ; 건물 기밀도 ; 팬 가압 테스트 ; 건물 침기량 ; AHU pressurization test ; Air-tightness ; Air leakage test ; Buildling Envelope
요약2 This research is a case study performing the air-andler fan pressurization test in a real building. The test has been performed follwing an exiting test method(i.e. CGSB 149.15-96 Standrard). The test building is a 5-story office with a square (32.4m × 32.4m) footprint built in 2001 at Dae-jeon. The test building gas four air-handling units, but the unit located at the basement was out of order. Consequently, the 3 air-handling units installed at the 1st floor and 5th floor were used to pressurize the building. To measure the whole building envelope air leakage, the SA airflow rates in each air handler, operated at the 100% outdoor air mode with closed return and exhaust air dampers, were monitored together with the building pressure. This paper provides some practical information acquired in the field measurement of envelope leakage using the established air-handler fan pressurization test method.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회