
논문명 공동주택 냉방에너지절감을 위한 PCM 축열 건자재의 적정 상변화온도 분석/An analysis of Optimal Phase Change Temperature of PCM using wallboard for Cooling Energy Savings in Apartment Buildings
저자명 안상민 ; 정창헌 ; 황석호 ; 이승복 ; 김태연
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2010
페이지 시작페이지(141) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 상변화물질 ; PCM보드 ; 축열 ; 상변화온도 ; 에너지절약 ; Phase change materials ; PCM wallboard ; Thermal storage ; Phase change temperature ; Energy savings
요약2 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cooling energy reduction performance of PCM wallboard in apartment buildings by using ESP-r simulation program. A PCM wallboard, which is constructed from the micro-encapsulated phase change materials as a uniform mixture with the conventional gypsum, is applied on the inside wall surfaces in the simulation model. The results show that the application of such materials for lightweight construction makes it possible to reduce fluctuation of inner temperature and energy consumption. Considering cooling load reduction, PCM designed whose solidification temperature close to the cooling set point temperature is appropriate in aparment buildings.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회