
논문명 수직샤프트를 통한 주방배기의 수직 구획별 배기 특성에 관한 연구/A Study on the Vertical Sectional Exhaust Characteristics from Kitchens Using a Vertical Shaft
저자명 이병권 ; 안영철
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2010
페이지 시작페이지(91) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 주방 배기 ; 수직 구획 ; 수직 샤프트 ; Kitchen exhaust ; Vertical section ; Vertical shaft ; Contam
요약2 Recently a high-rise building is built in many place. However some problems are occurred in the high-rise buildings. Especially, at the case of the kitchen exhaust using vertical shaft the kitchen exhaust fan sometimes can not work normally. In this study, under the assumption that the kitchen exhaust system applied uniformly can not cope with the various changes of the outside environment, the vertical sectional characteristics of a kitchen exhaust using vertial shaft is analyzed. Outside temperature, number of the floors and operating ratio of the vertically connected fan are selected as major parameter. And it is analyzed by a network simulation method. In the case of 30-story building, the standard deviations are 15.8 at the second floor, 30.5 at the 16th floor and 18.6 at the 30th floor. In the case of 45-story building, the standard deviations are 23 at the second floor, 43.1 at the 23th floor and 27.5 at the 45th floor. In the case of 60-story building, the standard deviations are 33.6 at the second floor, 53.4 at the 30th floor and 33.4 at the 60th floor. The standard deviation at the middle part is about two times than the other parts. So the results of the simulation show that the building can be clearly divided into three parts as a lower part, a middle part and a upper part according to the kitchen exhaust characteristics.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회