
논문명 우리나라 보육시설의 실내공기질 실태조사 연구/Measurement on the Indoor Air Contamination Levels in Daycare Facilities
저자명 이호영 ; 성남철 ; 홍용석 ; 윤동원 ; 손종열
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2010
페이지 시작페이지(77) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 실내공기질 ; 실내오염물질 농도 ; 보육시설 ; 현장실태조사 ; IAQ ; Indoor air contamination ; Daycare facilities ; On site Survey
요약2 Indoor Air Quality deterioration due to various environmental causes of disease that has already been identified by many case studies. In particular, children are easily exposed to danger on indoor air contamination. So, the indoor air quality management of the living space of children is very important. However, the indoor air quality management guideline of daycare facilities is insufficient to guarantee the health of children. The purpose of this study, child day-care facilities in 73 locations in the metropolitan area, indoor air quality survey and analysis to identify the status and aims to provide data to improve IAQ. As a result, 47 percent of facilities in the mechanical ventilation systems and air cleaners were installed. Known only to 26% for indoor air quality by responding to the survey that appeared to be a lack of awareness. as the following measuring result, contaminant of concentrations of the measured facilities are against the regulations which CO2 by 29%, PM10 by 42%, TVOC by 19%, HCHO by 6% and 37% for TBC was measured. Therefore, indoor air quality in child care through the improvement of the active response and sustained efforts are required.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회