
논문명 Markov Chain을 이용한 공동주택 재실자 예측모델/Prediction of Occupant's Presence in Residential Apartment Buildings using Markov Chain/A 열환경분야
저자명 김영진 ; 박철수
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2008
페이지 시작페이지(116) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 환기 ; 불확실성 ; 공동주택 ; 마르코브 체인 ; 민감도 분석 ; ventilation ; uncertainty ; apartment buildings ; Markov Chain ; sensitivity analysis
요약2 This study presents a method to predict occupant's presence in residential apartment buildings. Though it was recognized that correct prediction of occupant's behavior is important for building simulations, it was not presented in an accurate method to predict the occupant's behavior. In the study, sensitivity analysis was implemented to correlate input values(uncertain parameters) with output value(CO2 concentration - Living Room) in a typical apartment floor plan in Jeju, Korea. The result shows that the occupant's schedule is more influential than any other input variables. The occupant's modeling was performed throughout the Markov Chain Method. As expected it was found that the Markov Chain Method performs satisfactorily in prediction of occupant's presence in residential apartment buildings.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회