
논문명 주택환기시스템에서의 통합 배기 적용가능성 검토에 관한 연구/A Study on Application of Unify Ventilation at House Ventilation System/A 환기설비 분야
저자명 문성민 ; 김광현 ; 김창남 ; 김용경 ; 이정재
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2007
페이지 시작페이지(61) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 환기시스템 ; 분배기 ; 압력손실 ; 통합배기 ; Ventilation system ; Distributer ; Pressure loss ; Unify ventilation
요약2 Recently, the instruction of house ventilation system was necessary because of the recent construction trend and the legal ventilation frequency 0.7 point inside the house of common. It is general in the ventilation system that air supply and return to each room. But that system is not efficient in the economic and construction circle. So we study the instruction of unify ventilation system. The purpose of system is to compare the original ventilation system and unify ventilation system. The results which it applies from actual apartment site are as following. In the wind-amount test, unify ventilation system shows more wind amount than the existing facilities. Pressure loss shows the opposite results. This displays a more efficient ventilation ability and there is also an application possibility. Finally, we finds unify ventilation system's a new possibility and we recognize that more detailed-tests are required to unify ventilation system's practical use.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회