
논문명 자연풍의 변동 특성을 적용한 에어컨이 인체에 미치는 열 쾌적성 평가 연구/Study on the Evaluation of Thermal comfort for Air-conditioning systems Applying fluctuation characteristic of Natural wind
저자명 강기남 ; 송두삼
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 춘계학술발표대회  , 2012
페이지 시작페이지(47) 총페이지(7)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 자연풍 재현 기류 ; 에어컨 ; 카오스 분석 ; 열 쾌적성 ; 평균피부온도 ; Simulating natural wind ; Air-conditioner ; Chaos analysis ; Thermal comfort ; Mean skin temperature(MST)
요약2 The fluctuation characteristic of airflow is on of the important factors to influence the indoor thermal environment and human thermal comfort, which attracts researchers' interest in these years. Therefore the ultimate goal of these papers is to complement the shortcomings of conventional air-conditioning systems by using the air flow fluctuation characteristics of natural wind so as to achieve comfortable and energy-saving air conditioning control. Accordingly written the control mode that can plan the nature wind characteristic that analyzed a characteristic, and returned in triumph of the conventional air-conditioning system through laboratory measurement. Executed correlation analysis with a thermal sensation of a subject's vote and air-conditioning, a related physical element (temperature, wind velocity, turbulent intensity etc.) through subjects experiment regarding a nature wind recurrence air-conditioning mode. Controlled the results of the air-conditioning system that reappeared nature wind and wrote algorithm. Finished nature wind recurrence control algorithm corresponding to a thermal sensation change of a resident along a change in time through the subjects experiment that was planned in order to ensure recurrence anger of control algorithm written.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회