
논문명 요소 기술 및 사용자 정책이 건물에너지 절감에 미치는 기여도 분석을 위한 기초연구/Literature review of technologies and energy feedback measures impacting on the reduction of building energy consumption/B 빛환경, 음환경, 친환경 건축 및 신재생에너지 분야
저자명 배민호 ; 이은주 ; 박은미 ; 김동호 ; 김재민 ; 조수
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 춘계학술발표대회  , 2008
페이지 시작페이지(125) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 건물 ; 에너지 절감 기술 ; 사용자 정책 ; 문헌 조사 ; Building energy ; Saving measures ; Energy feedback ; Literature review
요약2 In Korea, for greenhouse gas reduction, it was indicated that the field of Building has the highest potentiality. So there's a great need to investigate the policy for effective carbon dioxide reduction by reducing building energy consumption. This study has made a research of some techniques for building energy reduction and user self reduction methods. It databased the result of how each techniques has worked out. Evaluation not only of single effect of a certain technique but also of complex effects of compounded techniques should be made. And this should be further backed up by establishing solid evaluation methods on technical effects and economical feasibility. There's been a few studies on the effect of user self reduction methods in korea yet. But some studies made in european countries showed the cost-effectiveness which is high and meaningful enough to deserve attention. To achieve effective building energy reduction, investment for contents and systems not only on devices and system, but also on end-users part should be actively made.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회