
논문명 주거소음 종류 및 음압레벨에 따른 생리 및 심리 반응/Psychological and Physiological Responses due to the Type and Sound Pressure Level of Residential Noise
저자명 김도경(Kim, Do-Kyeong) ; 김수홍(Kim, Su-Hong) ; 류종관(Ryu, Jong-Kwan)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.16 No.6
페이지 시작페이지(476) 총페이지(10)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 심리 반응; 생리 반응; 주거소음 Psychological response; Physiological response; Residential noise
요약2 Noise affects psychological and physiological responses, and the response may be varied by the type and sound pressure level (SPL) of noise. To investigate both factors influencing these responses, a laboratory experiment was conducted. The sound stimuli consisted of seven types of noise in real life of apartment: three impact sounds (child jumping, child running, and piledriver) and four stationary noises (toilet plumbing, conversation, road traffic, and air-conditioner outdoor unit noise). Sound stimuli were reproduced at three SPLs (50 dB, 60 dB, and 70 dB in LAFmax for impact sound and 45 dB, 55 dB and 65 dB in LAeq for stationary noise) using headphones and a woofer speaker. For the psychological responses, the participants rated valence, arousal, and dominance of Self-Assessment Manikin by 9-point scale and annoyance by 7-point scale. Simultaneously, all participants’ electrocardiogram data and electrodermal activity (EDA) were measured using Biopac systems (MP36R) to obtain physiological responses. First, in the psychological response, valence and dominance decreased and arousal and annoyance increased as SPL increased. The change rate of mean heart rate data averaged over all residential noises showed a tendency to increase with increasing SPL and showed a similar trend between the impact sounds. It was also shown that average root mean square successive difference decreased, and EDA significantly increased as the SPL increased.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회