
논문명 그린리모델링을 통한 노후 근린생활시설 및 주택의 에너지성능 및 열환경 개선 효과 분석/An Analysis of Energy Performance and Thermal Environment Improvement Effect through Green Remodeling in Deteriorated Neighborhood Facilities and Houses
저자명 이도형(Lee, Do-Hyung) ; 김태연(Kim, Tae-Yeon) ; 원종연(Won, Jong-Yeon) ; 최동호(Choi, Dong-Ho)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.16 No.6
페이지 시작페이지(449) 총페이지(16)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 근린생활시설; 주택; 그린리모델링; 제로에너지건축물; 탄소중립 Neighborhood facility; Housing; Green remodeling; Zero energy building; Carbon neutrality
요약2 This study analyzed the effects of improving energy performance, thermal comfort, reducing energy costs and carbon emissions through green remodeling for neighborhood facilities and houses that were completed more than 35 years ago. As a result of analyzing the effects of improving the indoor surface temperature of the bedroom on the second floor of the house, in corner of building envelope was improved the most to 16.51℃. The surface temperature in the center of the glass was also improved by 11.77°C, which is expected to significantly improve the discomfort of the occupant due to the influence of cold draft near the window in winter. In addition, it was analyzed that the amount of heat loss had a 44% reduction effect. As a result of the overall analysis of energy performance before and after green remodeling, the energy demand of houses was reduced by 55.7% from 268.8 kWh/㎡·yr to 119.2 kWh/㎡·yr, and the primary energy consumption was 233.7 kWh/㎡·yr at 578.6 kWh/㎡·yr. It was reduced by 59.6% in ㎡·yr. Neighborhood facilities reduced their energy demand by 21.3% from 220.0 kWh/㎡·yr to 173.2 kWh/㎡·yr, and reduced primary energy consumption by 89.0% from 391.8 kWh/㎡·yr to 43.2 kWh/㎡·yr. It was confirmed that the rate was 85.23%, which was at the level of a zero-energy building 2nd grade. The recovery period compared to energy cost and cost investment was analyzed to reduce the annual energy cost by 2,159,963 won/year due to green remodeling, and the recovery period compared to cost investment will take a total of 11.1 years based on the material cost.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회