
논문명 축열조 연동 Water-side Economizer 시스템의 동계 냉방 에너지 및 비용 절감 효용에 관한 연구/A Study on the Effectiveness of Cooling Energy and Cost Reduction in Thermal Energy Storage with Water-side Economizer
저자명 임완욱(Im, Wan-Uk) ; 김유진(Kim, Yu-Jin) ; 송영학(Song, Young-Hak)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.16 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(346) 총페이지(13)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 24 h 냉방운전; 에너지 소비량; 운전 비용; 축열조; 프리쿨링 시스템; 디자인빌더 24 h cooling operation; Energy consumption; Operating cost; Thermal energy storage; Free cooling System; DesignBuilder
요약2 Air conditioning energy accounts for more than 50% of the total energy used in buildings. Recently, in general office buildings the cooling load of winter is increasing as it has a server room by establishing its own computer system for the purpose of managing computer and data and strengthening security. As the cooling load of winter increases, a study combining a TES (thermal energy storage) system that reduces operation costs by transferring power demand to late-night hours and a free-cooling system that reduces cooling energy consumption by using low-temperature outdoor air under conditions below a specific temperature is in progress. Therefore, this study intends to deepen the study by focusing on previous studies that implement a complementary model of each system for a building that is subjected to a 24-hour cooling load even in winter. By using DesignBuilder, a dynamic simulation program, cold water produced through WSE is used for 4 months during the winter (December to March) when the outside temperature is low to remove the load occurring at night. At the same time, in this study intend to implement a TES-linked free-cooling system that stores cold water in the TES and discharges heat during the next daytime, and the system will be referred to as a “Combination model”. Buildings and equipment were modeled with reference to ASHRAE standards and guidelines. For the target building, energy consumption and cost savings of cooling operation were reviewed using standard meteorological data of Seoul, and heating operation was excluded from the simulation model. As a result of analyzing the simulation, it was confirmed that the combined model reduced energy consumption by 27% and operating cost by 51% compared to the conventional method.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회