
논문명 강의 전, 후 재실자 대사량 변화에 따른 중간기 쾌적도 분석/Analysis of Thermal Comfort in the Swing Season according to Metabolic Rate Change Before and After Class for Occupants
저자명 류지혜(Ryu, Ji-Hye) ; 이지애(Lee, Ji-Ae) ; 홍원화(Hong, Won-Hwa) ; 원안나(Won, An-Na)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.16 No.4
페이지 시작페이지(253) 총페이지(11)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 재실자; 대사량; 쾌적온도; 대학 강의실 Occupants; Metabolic rate; Comfort temperature; University classrooms
요약2 The operating hours of class rooms in university buildings vary according to each class schedule, and the operating schedule of air conditioners is flexible. It has a high occupancy density compared to the short occupancy time, so the optimum IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality) cannot be guaranteed. In addition, the learner also shows the limit of the opportunity for thermal adaptation. Therefore, in this study, quantitative evaluation was carried out by calculating the comfort temperature by analyzing the metabolic rate before class, thermal comfort related to thermal adaptation for a short time after class, and changes in the occupant’s thermal sensation during lecture. As a result of examining the occupants’ thermal sensation (Thermal Sensation Vote, Comfort Sensation Vote, Thermal Preference), it was found that they showed thermal stability after class. It could be understood that this was influenced by the difference in the metabolic rate of the occupants that occurred within a short time before class. Through the difference in comfort temperature of 1.78°C, thermal comfort before and after class was quantitatively evaluated. In order to promote the air conditioning operation strategy of the university building lecture room and the comfort of the indoor heating environment, it is necessary to identify and reflect changes in short-term thermal adaptation, metabolic rate, and thermal comfort of occupants.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회