
논문명 공동주택 거주자들의 창문개방행위에 따른 연간 자연환기량 분포와 환기부하에 관한 연구/Annual Natural Ventilation Rates and Heat and Cooling Load in Relation to Occupant’s Window Opening Behavior in Residential Building
저자명 유지현(Yoo, Ji-Hyun) ; 박준석(Park, Jun-Seok)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.16 No.3
페이지 시작페이지(193) 총페이지(13)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 실내공기질; 거주자행동; 창문개방행위; 자연환기량; 환기부하 Indoor Air Quality; Occupant behavior; Window opening; Ventilation rates; Ventilation load
요약2 Recently, due to sick house syndrome, the importance of indoor air quality is emerging. The method of managing the indoor air quality includes mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation. However, the majority of occupants prefer using natural ventilation rather than mechanical ventilation and even don’t know the existence of mandatory mechanical ventilation in residential building. Therefore, recent studies have focused on natural ventilation, which can easily manage the indoor air quality, and propose a ventilation guideline by developing a ventilation module due to the opening of the window. However, hot and cold outdoor air through the window opening affects the indoor temperature, which in turn has a big impact on energy consumption. Previous studies researched the window opening behavior (opening frequency and hours) with outdoor factors and found that the outdoor temperature had the greatest effect on window opening behavior. However, with this only window opening behavior, we couldn’t predict the precise energy consumption and couldn’t purpose the natural ventilation guideline because we don’t know the accurate volume of the outdoor air comes into the building. Therefore, in this study, field measurement is conducted for 4 complexes and 30 samples. we analyze the window opening behavior as same as previous study and the ventilation rates through carbon dioxide decay method. As a result, the measurement period could represent the outdoor temperature of korea. However, despite that outdoor temperature was similar, the distribution of indoor temperature was different by all the samples, especially in heating period. The window opening behavior and ventilation rates have correlation with outdoor temperature. The ventilation load was low in heating period, because of the lack of ventilation behavior. In contrast, the ventilation load in cooling period was greater than that in heating period.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회