
논문명 데이터센터의 Water-Side Economizer 시스템 Free Cooling 운전 모드에 따른 에너지 효율 검토/Energy Efficiency Analysis on Free Cooling Operation Mode of the Water-Side Economizer System in Data Center
저자명 김유진(Kim, Yu-Jin) ; 하주완(Ha, Ju-Wan) ; 임완욱(Im, Wan-Uk) ; 김환용(Kim, Hwan-Yong) ; 송영학(Song, Young-Hak)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.16 No.1
페이지 시작페이지(1) 총페이지(13)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 데이터센터; 외기냉수냉방; 프리쿨링; 기후존; 에너지 사용량 Data center; Water-side economizer; Free cooling; Climate zone; Energy consumption
요약2 Water-side economizer (WSE) systems are being introduced to reduce cooling energy in data centers, but quantitative comparisons of various controls are impossible as the configurations of the systems are different. Therefore, this study reviewed the energy consumption according to the free cooling operation mode of the WSE system, and analyzed the operation status according to the South Korea climate zone to reduce additional energy and secure free cooling operation time. In the case of a WSE system that can only operate full-free cooling, about 10.9% of energy was saved. When full and partial-free cooling operations were implemented through th serial connection between the chiller and the heat exchanger, 13.7% of energy was saved. In particular, Daegwallyeong (6A), located in the climate zone with the lowest ambient air humidity temperature, Showed the highest energy savings of about 19.5% compared to the center chilled water system as free cooling operating time was secured the most.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회