
논문명 흄드실리카 진공단열재의 경시변화된 열전도도 측정을 위한 가속시험법 연구/Accelerated Test Method for the Aged Thermal Conductivity of Fumed Silica Vacuum Insulation Panel
저자명 배민정(Bae, Min-Jung) ; 권재성(Kwon, Jae-Sung) ; 최경석(Choi, Gyeong-Seok) ; 김영탁(Kim, Young-Tag) ; 강재식(Kang, Jae-Sik)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.15 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(474) 총페이지(13)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 진공단열재; 흄드실리카; 경시변화; 열전도도 Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP); Fumed silica; In-aging; Thermal conductivity
요약2 Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) are having difficulty entering the Korean market because there is no Korean standard (KS). The draft international standard (ISO/DIS) 16478 has being developed, and this version is expected to make the final draft international standard (FDIS) until this year and then establish as the International standard. Since the standard is going to be converted to the KS standard, it is absolutely necessary to technologically review for reasonable conformity with the developed standard. It is inappropriate the test method according to ISO/DIS 16478 that takes at least 6 months (180 days) for one product of vacuum insulation panel using fumed silica considering the characteristics of the Korean market. The gas and moisture permeability affects on the thermal conductivity of the aged vacuum insulation panel. The adjusted accelerated condition can establish as a test method that requires about 30 days comparing to 180 days suggested in the ISO/DIS 16478. Through future research, we plan to conduct a technical review of two test methods and results, performed for 30 days under high acceleration conditions (80℃, 70% RH) and 180 days under accelerated conditions (50℃, 70% RH).
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회