
논문명 초등학교 체육시설내 실측을 반영한 미세먼지 저감방안 연구/A Study on PM10 Reduction Reflecting Actual Measurement in Elementary School Sports Facility
저자명 차대오(Cha, Dae-O) ; 황정하(Hwang, Jung-Ha)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.15 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(443) 총페이지(16)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 체육시설; 실내 미세먼지; 실측 실험; 환기시뮬레이션; 저감방 School sports facility; Indoor particle matter; Measurement experiment; Ventilation simulation; Reduction method
요약2 This study targeted school sports facilities with general area and ventilation system and measured the changes in PM10 concentration according to students’ activities, analyzed the amount of fine dust generated, and simulated the efficiency of fine dust reduction according to the ventilation method. According to the study, the PM10 reduction efficiency compared to without ventilation[C-1] was 34% in operating EHP[C-2] when PM10 alarm is good, 24% in [C-2] when PM10 alarm is normal, 16% in [C-2] when PM10 alarm is bad, 26% in opening window[C-3] when PM10 alarm is good, and 0% in [C-3] when PM10 alarm is normal, bad. In case of installed HEPA filter in EHP[C-4] reduction efficiency was 34% when PM10 alarm is good, 28% when PM10 alarm is normal, 22% when PM10 alarm is bad. In sided ventilation[C-5], the PM10 reduction efficiency was 53% when PM10 alarm is good, 48% when PM10 alarm is normal, and 41% when PM10 alarm is bad. As a result, Sided ventilation[C-5] installed close to generate factor was the most suitable ventilation system.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회