
논문명 열화상을 활용한 현장측정 기반의 창-벽체 접합부 선형열관류율 산출 방법/In-situ Method for Calculation of the Linear Thermal Transmittance of Wall-window Joints using Infrared Thermography
저자명 김창민(Kim, Chang-Min) ; 최재솔(Choi, Jae-Sol) ; 김의종(Kim, Eui-Jong) ; 장향인(Jang, Hyang-In)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.15 No.3
페이지 시작페이지(265) 총페이지(14)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 적외선 열화상; 디지털 트윈; 현장 측정; 선형열관류율 Infrared thermography; Digital twin; Field measurement; Linear thermal transmittance
요약2 This study examined the applicable capacity of the photovoltaic system of two blocks of the apartment complex for each ZEB certification grade through a solar simulation program. District heating is applied to the two blocks of the apartment, and the ⓐ block is higher-rise than the ⓑ block. Accordingly, since the ⓐ block has a relatively long district heating pipe length and pumping power, the primary energy requirement was calculated to be higher. As a result of calculating the PV applicable area of the roof and the facade using the solar simulation program, the roof was found to be in the range of 54 to 73% depending on the building arrangement, and it was analyzed that the average of 65% was applicable. The facade was found to be available as much as 15% of the total facade area in the southeast and 20% in the southwest. As a result of applying the PV system according to the ZEB certification grade, it was analyzed that up to Grade4 can be achieved only by the rooftop area, and it was found that the facade area from Grade3 should be available. As the maximum achievable level, ⓐ block was analyzed as ZEB Grade3 and ⓑ block as Grade2.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회