
논문명 공동주택의 건물 기밀도와 대기 중 먼지 침입지표의 상관관계 분석/Correlation Analysis of Building Airtightness and Outdoor Particle Infiltration Index in Apartment Buildings
저자명 엄예슬(Eom, Ye-Seul) ; 박보람(Park, Bo-Ram) ; 강동화(Kang, Dong-Hwa)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.15 No.1
페이지 시작페이지(63) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 외부미세먼지 침입; 건물 기밀도; 공동주택; 블로어도어 실험; 실내공기질 Outdoor particle infiltration; Building airtightness; Apartment building; Blower-door tests; Indoor air quality
요약2 The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation of particle infiltration and building airtightness according to the deterioration of apartment housing units. For this purpose, the blower door test and particle infiltration experiments were conducted in 6 apartment housing units. The blower door test was conducted to measure the airtightness and the leakage area of suspected particle penetration pathways. The infiltration test method was performed to estimate the size-resolved particle penetration coefficient (P), infiltration factors (Finf), and outdoor particle infiltration rate (P×λ). During the infiltration test, the indoor and outdoor pressure difference was maintained at 10Pa using the blower-door depressurization procedure. The blower door test results showed that the difference in the airtightness level of leaky and average airtight housing units was about 2.5 times. The particle infiltration test results showed that the penetration coefficient (P), infiltration factor (Finf), and outdoor particle infiltration rate (P×λ) tended to decrease as the particle diameter increases. This result means that small particle size can easily pass through the crack in the envelope of the building. According to the results of the relationship between infiltration and airtightness, it was analyzed that the indoor particle concentration of leaky housing units could be 4.34 times higher than average airtight housing units under the same outdoor particle concentration condition. The results suggest that the required amount of particle removal may differ depending on the airtightness of the building.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회