
논문명 건축물 에너지효율등급 미평가 공간(냉?난방 미설치 공간)의 평가를 위한 입력 데이터 및 적용 방안 제시/Suggestion of Input Data and Application Plan for Evaluating the Building Energy Efficiency Rating Unevaluated Space (Without Heating and Cooling)
저자명 서우석(Seo, Woo-Seok) ; 유동철(Yoo, Dong-Chul) ; 장향인(Jang, Hyang-In) ; 신현정(Shin, Hyun-Jung) ; 박병윤(Park, Byoung-Yoon) ; 최창호(Choi, Chang-Ho)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.15 No.1
페이지 시작페이지(27) 총페이지(13)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 건축물 에너지효율등급; 공동주택; 임대공간; 입력 데이터 Building Energy Efficiency Rating; Apartment Housing; Tenant Space; Input Data
요약2 The purpose of this study is to create data so that unevaluated spaces can be evaluated to resolve the uncertainty arising from the spaces excluded from evaluation due to the absence of a cooling/heating system, such as apartment housing or tenant space, when certifying the energy efficiency of a building. Therefore, the main cooling system was investigated for apartment housings and the main building usage and the main cooling and heating system were investigated for tenant spaces. Accordingly, data was created by checking the ECO2 input data, which is the main program used to evaluate the energy efficiency of a building. Its error rate was verified through comparison with the case of a building energy efficiency rating to verify the created data. As a result, the apartment housing data was calculated with an energy consumption of about 7%, and the tenant space data was calculated with an error rate of 10% and a confidence level of 90%. Regarding apartment housings, the air conditioning days are different for each region and it is judged that a deviation occurred because the energy consumption was calculated based on the data of the minimum consumption efficiency standard. In addition, regarding tenant spaces, it is judged that an error occurred because the load calculation criteria are different depending on the characteristics of a space within the neighborhood living facilities. Therefore, it is believed that the application of data created in this study will contribute to the improvement of building energy efficiency certification system.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회