
논문명 환기장치를 대상으로 한 405 nm LED 모듈의 부유 및 표면 미생물 저감 성능 평가/Evaluation of Reduction Performance of 405 nm LED Module for Airborne and Surface Microorganisms on Ventilation System
저자명 방종일(Bang, Jong-Il) ; 김지희(Kim, Ji-Hi) ; 최안섭(Choi, An-Seop) ; 성민기(Sung, Min-Ki)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.14 No.6
페이지 시작페이지(756) 총페이지(11)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 부유 및 표면 미생물; 405 nm LED 모듈; 저감성능; 환기장치 Airborne and surface microorganisms; 405 nm LED module; Reduction performance; Ventilation system
요약2 Microbial damage and contamination in apartment buildings causes respiratory and skin diseases to occupants and may cause aesthetic damage to buildings. Remedying microbial damage in apartment buildings requires a lot of time and money, expertise and the process is complex. In this study, the possibility of microbial control was confirmed by applying the 405 nm LED module to the ventilation system for apartment buildings. The ventilation system has been used for one year, and the contamination condition was confirmed visually. A 405 nm LED module developed for ventilation systems was installed on the OA side to confirm the reduction effect of airborne microorganisms from outdoor air and the microbial contamination that may occur inside the ventilation system. The airborne microorganisms were sampled from the outside air and supply air diffuser. Also, the surface microorganisms were observed by sampling from the Pre, HEPA filter and the heat exchange element surface. In terms of the overall reduction rate, surface bacteria were reduced by 45% and surface mold by 90% after the LED was irradiated for 3 weeks. In the case of airborne microorganisms, both bacteria and mold were reduced by 71%. The heat exchange efficiency was 95% on average before and after LED module installation. Therefore, it was confirmed that microorganism control is possible with an LED module using 405 nm visible light, but long-term irradiation is required.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회