
논문명 표준 업무용건물 모델을 활용한 창호설계변수의 기후존별 총 에너지 소비영향 분석/Analysis of Energy Consumption Characteristics Per Climatic Zones by Window Design Variables using Prototype Office Building Model
저자명 박상혁(Park, Sang-Hyeok) ; 서동현(Seo, Dong-Hyun)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.14 No.4
페이지 시작페이지(321) 총페이지(17)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 표준건물; 차폐계수; 창면적비; 열관류율; 조광제어; 차양길이; 에너지 소비량 Prototype Building; SC (Shading Coefficient); WWR (Window to Wall Ratio); U-factor; Daylight control; Shade length; Energy consumption
요약2 In non-residential buildings, the impact of windows on overall building energy performance is significant. However, domestic commercial and office buildings do not effectively reflect climate characteristics and various thermal and visual aspects of windows due to incomplete building code and lack of reference data for design practices. In this study, the non-residential prototype building energy model developed in 2016 is used to perform parametric simulation to present the design guides for key window design variables for each climate zone. Although the guide is not fully inclusive for all non-residential building, it is believed that at least the possibilities of this procedure will be verified. To this end, 1) the existing related research literatures were analyzed to confirm the pros and cons and the current best research results in Korea, and 2) an energy modeling overview and a parametric simulation plan were established to describe the detailed simulation procedure. 3) Through the simulation result analysis, the energy consumption change according to the window design variables was analyzed in the first step, and the energy performance additionally applicable external shade and daylight control was analyzed in the second step. 4) Finally, optimal window design variable values for each climate zone were derived. As a result, in the central and southern zones, the SC value with the minimum energy consumption was determined according to the U-factor and WWR of the window. In some cities in the southern and Jeju zones, energy performance was determined by the SC value rather than the U-factor. The external shade and daylight control system additionally enabled energy savings of up to 6%, whereas the determined design variable value was not significantly changed.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회