
논문명 에너지 절감을 위한 LED 조명 시스템 디밍 제어의 Mock-up 실증 실험 및 LCC 경제성 분석/Mock-up Experiment and LCC Economic Analysis of LED Lighting System Dimming Control for Lighting Energy Saving in Office Buildings
저자명 김철호(Kim, Chul-Ho) ; 박민경(Park, Min-Kyeong) ; 강원희(Kang, Won-Hee) ; 이광호(Lee, Kwang-Ho) ; 김강수(Kim, Kang-Soo)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.14 No.3
페이지 시작페이지(283) 총페이지(15)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 LED 조명; 디밍 제어; 조명 에너지; 실내 조도; Mock-up 실험; LCC 경제성 분석 Light Emitting Diodes Lamp; Dimming Control; Lighting Energy; Indoor Illuminance; Mock-up Test; Life Cycle Cost Analysis
요약2 We conducted a LED lighting system dimming control experiment by dividing a full-scale mock-up into two zones, a perimeter zone and an interior zone (2019.06-08). First, we replaced the fluorescent lamp of the existing lighting system with a high efficiency LED lighting system, and calculated the indoor daylight illuminance, LED artificial light distribution, and dimming rate (turning-on rate) for each control method. Second, we performed an LCC analysis according to the LED lighting system installation and control method. We selected the experimental case in accordance with the actual usage pattern. Case 1 was selected for full auto dimming control. Case 2 was selected for manual dimming control five times a day. Case 3 was selected for a switch on-off control that turned off between 12:00-17:00. For work plane illuminance of 500 lx during auto dimming control, the dimming rate was 70% (zone A_82%, zone B_58%) on average in clear sky, 60% (zone A_69%, zone B_51%) on average in intermediate sky, 51% (zone A_57%, zone B_44%) on average in overcast sky. The difference in dimming rates of auto dimming control (Case 1) and manual dimming control (Case 2) were 3% or less, and the value difference was small. By replacing the fluorescent lamp with a high efficiency LED lighting system and analyzing LCC for the control method, the break-even point of the LED auto dimming control was 11.5 years and the break-even point for manual dimming control was 7.6 years. Therefore, it is considered that the dimming control method is economically feasible.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회