
논문명 전기변색 유리 기반 복층화 위치에 따른 열적 및 광학적 성능 비교/Comparison for Thermal and Optical Performance of Electrochromic Glazing (ECG) with Design Position
저자명 정진화(Jeong, Jin-Hwa) ; 이선한(Lee, Seon-Han) ; 채영태(Chae, Young-Tae)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.14 No.3
페이지 시작페이지(271) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 전기변색 유리; 복층화 위치; 열-광학적 특성; 일사 투과; 냉난방장치용량 Electrochromic glazing; Design position; Thermal and optical characteristics; Solar transmittance; Cooling and heating system sizing
요약2 Recently, smart window be focused on attention with improvement of occupants comfort and building energy performance. Among various smart window, electrochromic glazing (ECG) has outperformed response and can real-time control. In past year, energy simulation and field test of ECG are conducted with various region and building types using control parameters. However, few studies have been performed with design position of ECG in building. This paper analyzed thermal and optical characteristics with ECG position in double layered clear glazing and low-e glazing. It also performed building energy simulation for typical medium office building with different design position of ECG in summer and winter season. First, U-value of ECG+low-e glazing set was higher thermal performance than ECG+clear glazing set. It is more advantageous to position the ECG on the outside than inside position to prevent solar radiation when changed from clear to tint state of ECG. Also, external positioned ECG can contribute to the reduction transmitted solar radiation at clear state of ECG in double clear glazing set. However, internal positioned cleared ECG was more effective to prevent solar radiation in double low-e glazing set because low-e glazing has lower solar transmittance and higher front surface reflectance. The solar transmittance characteristics was compared with different positioned ECG in summer and winter season for typical medium office building. In summer season, external ECG (tint state)+clear/low-e glazing set was more advantageous to prevent transmitted solar radiation by 93% than double layered clear glazing in Incheon, Korea. The ECG+clear glazing set can increase solar radiation compared to ECG+low-e glazing in winter season. Especially, combination of clear glazing+internal ECG outperformed to save heating load than other cases and showed little difference as the amount of transmitted solar radiation was less 10% than double layered clear glazing set for winter season. Finally, ECG+low-e combination can also reduce cooling and heating system sizing by 28%, 26% in approximation with different state of ECG.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회