
논문명 국가 산업단지별 공장건축물의 태양에너지시스템 설치에 따른 경제성 분석/Economic Analysis of Solar Energy System in Factory Buildings in National Industrial Complexes
저자명 다에루청(Dai Lucheng) ; 김윤호(Kim, Yun-Ho) ; 윤명주(Yoon, Myung-Ju) ; 황정하(Hwang, Jung-Ha)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.13 No.6
페이지 시작페이지(609) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 국가 산업단지; 공장건축물; 태양광시스템; 액체식 태양광열시스템; 투자회수기간 National Industrial Complexes; Factory Building; Photovoltaic System; Liquid type Photovoltaic Thermal System; Payback period
요약2 The Korean government recently announced “Renewable Energy 3020 Policy” in order to increase the proportion of renewable energy generation to as much as 20% of total. To that end, the Korea Energy Agency will implement the photovoltaic system dissemination project for the roofs and parking lots of industrial complexes, thus contributing to achieving the goal of the government policy. This study applied conventional PV and recently developed L-PVTs systems to some industrial complexes and conducted energy analyses using the TRNSYS 18 simulation software package to draw energy production and economic effect of each installed system. The study method is as follows: First, the distribution and status of the national industrial parks were investigated. Second, a photovoltaic weather resource map was employed to investigate and compare the resources in the regions with industrial clusters. Third, industrial parks were selected, and their energy output was calculated by using the TRNSYS18 program and applying the PV and L-PVTs systems. Fourth, economic return was evaluated by calculating the payback period of each system. Supplying and installing L-PVTs in national industrial complexes is expected to increase the electric energy production by approximately 20% compared with PV installations. Furthermore, the L-PVTs also show excellent economic efficiency because the payback period of L-PVTs is 45% shorter than that of PV depending on the utilization method when electricity is produced using the produced thermal energy in conjunction with a small cogeneration system having an efficiency of approximately 45%.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회