
논문명 가구에너지상설표본조사 결과를 활용한 지역, 주거유형, 전용면적, 준공년도별 주거에너지 소비특성 분석/Analysis of Residential Energy Use Features with Respect to Location, Housing Type, Gross Area and Construction Year from Household Energy Standing Survey
저자명 이나현(Lee, Na-Hyeon) ; 김혜진(Kim, Hye-Jin) ; 서동현(Seo, Dong-Hyun)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.13 No.6
페이지 시작페이지(545) 총페이지(14)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 가구에너지 상설표본조사; 마이크로데이터; 주거유형; 1차 에너지 HESS; Micro data; Housing type; Primary energy
요약2 KEEI (Korea Energy Economy Institute) has implemented annual HESS (Home Energy Standing Survey) for publishing national statistics on residential building energy consumption since 2011. The survey is comprised with six major categories with 149 detail questions such as building location, construction year, gross area, type and operation hours of appliances, monthly fuels and electricity consumption, etc. In spite of the detail survey, the annual report on the survey from KEEI is not enough to provide various stakeholder with detail information. In this research, detailed energy consumption analysis are implemented with R-script and micro data from KESIS (Korea Energy Statistical Information System). The units of all energy sources are converted into kWh to be compared with the Building Energy Efficiency Rating System. All energy consumption data are normalized with gross area of each household to compared the difference with respect to location, housing type, gross area, and construction year. The analysis results show that significant difference of energy consumption with respect to gross area and construction year.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회