
논문명 중앙 냉방시스템의 냉동기 유형에 따른 에너지 사용 특성 비교 연구/A Study of Energy Performance with Chiller Type in Central Cooling System
저자명 유병천(Yoo, Byung-Chun) ; 김정욱(Kim, Jung-Uk)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.13 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(370) 총페이지(14)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 무급유 인버터 터보냉동기; 흡수식 냉온수기; 흡수식 냉동기; BEMS; 에너지효율화; 냉열원 시스템; 복합열원 시스템 Oil-free inverter turbo chiller; Absorption chiller-heater; Absorption chiller; BEMS; Energy efficiency; Cooling system; Hybrid heat source system
요약2 This study conducted positive performance test and economy analysis on energy saving effect of improvement of old central heating and air conditioning system in the main building of Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary. Existing heat source system alternatively operates 22-year-old two absorption chiller-heaters and provides air conditioning and heating to main building, library, and chapel. Considering the building type, cooling and heating system, load analysis, chiller type, and operation status, the old absorption chiller-heaters have been replaced with oil-free inverter turbo chiller. Also, BEMS has been used to check the characteristics of change in energy consumption. This study conducted a comparative analysis on energy consumption before and after the improvements by collecting the data from May to October in 2018. The analysis result showed that the gas consumption for air conditioning with existing chiller-heater was 30,587 Nm3 a year. On the other hand, the turbo chiller monitored with BEMS consumed 29,370 kWh. The analysis result proved the energy saving of about 24.75 TOE (Ton of Oil Equivalent) by introducing the oil-free inverter turbo chiller for efficient operation. Such hybrid heat source system and efficient BEMS operation allow effective investment in the perspective of energy.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회