
논문명 개방형 천장복사냉방패널 시스템의 개구부 면적에 따른 냉방 성능 평가/Cooling Performance Evaluation of Open-type Ceiling Radiant Cooling Panel System depending on Opening Area
저자명 신미수(Shin, Mi-Su) ; 이규남(Rhee, Kyu-Nam)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.13 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(358) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 천장복사냉방패널 (CRCP); 개방형; 개구부면적; 실온제어; 제거열량; 냉방시간 Ceiling radiant cooling panel (CRCP); Open-type; Opening area; Room temperature control; Heat removal; Operating hour
요약2 The present study was conducted to evaluate the cooling performance of open-type cooling radiant ceiling panel (CRCP) system, which is gaining popularity due to good integration with architectural design. Using the cooling capacity data from the previous study, the cooling performance of open-type CRCP system was investigated in terms of room temperature control and energy performances. The CRCP system was represented with the chilled ceiling module provided by TRNSYS 18, wherein the heat transfer coefficient and panel area of the open-type CRCP system were inputted as parameters of chilled ceiling module. The results showed that the room temperature control performance can be improved by open-type CRCP system because it can reduce the cooling time by utilizing higher cooling rate than closed-type CRCP. It was found that the open-type CRCP can increase the cooling rate by 1%~23% and can reduce the operating hour by 5%~19%. It was also found that the open-type CRCP can increase chilled water temperature difference and can provide the higher cooling rate with relatively higher chilled water temperature, which can contribute to the improvement of the chiller efficiency.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회