
논문명 랙크식창고 스프링클러설비의 배관설계방식 검토를 통한 최적설계방안 연구/A Study on the Optimal Design of a Sprinkler System for Rack-Type Automatic Warehouses According to the Pipe Design Methods
저자명 이유식(Lee, You-Sik) ; 곽지현(Kwark Ji-Hyun) ; 김형석(Kim Hyeong-Seok) ; 유동균(You Dong-Kyun) ; 안영철(Ahn Young-Chull)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.12 No.2
페이지 시작페이지(112) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 랙크식창고 ; 스프링클러설비 ; 수리계산 ; 파이프넷 프로그램 ; 방화공학 Rack-Type automatic warehouse ; Sprinkler system ; Design by hydraulic calculations ; PIPENET program ; Fire prevention engineering
요약2 The accurate design of the sprinkler system is very important for a rack-type warehouse because it has high fire loads and it is very difficult to suppress the fire due to the high loads. In this study, the hydraulic calculation using the PIPENET program was performed and the results were compared and analyzed to investigate the optimal design method according to the piping design methods for the automatic rack-type warehouse. The design methods are about the design of the pipe schedule system based on the fire safety standard, the design for the efficient construction, and the design using the upper limit value of piping. The design of the pipe schedule system, which adopts a predetermined piping size according to the number of heads, is easy to design, but there is a concern that the quantity of water is increased and the water source is soon exhausted. The design for the efficient construction, which has the diameter of the end portion is largely applied to improve the construction efficiency, increases the construction cost slightly but the required amount of water is decreased. The design using the upper limit value of piping, which limits the maximum size of piping to be less than a certain value, can save the construction cost as well as the quantity of water, so it improves safety and reliability of the sprinkler system.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회