
논문명 여름철 고층아파트 건물의 주동형태와 밀도가 층별 외부 열환경에 미치는 영향/Effect of High-rise Apartment Building Shape and Densities on Outdoor Thermal Environment by Floor in Summer Season
저자명 엄예슬(Eom, Ye-Seul) ; 김용진(Kim, Yong-Jin) ; 강동화(Kang, Dong-Hwa)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.12 No.2
페이지 시작페이지(87) 총페이지(14)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 주동형태 ; 평면 면적밀도 ; 입면 면적밀도 ; 고층아파트 단지 ; 외부 열환경 ; ENVI-met Building shape ; Plan area density ; Frontal area density ; High-rise apartment building complex ; Outdoor thermal environment ; ENVI-met
요약2 The object of this study is to analyze the outdoor thermal environment of pedestrian and residents of high-rise apartment buildings complexes considering the vertical temperature distribution in summer by evaluating the trend of vertical temperature distribution according to the shape and densities of high-rise apartment buildings. For this purpose, the outdoor vertical temperature of the buildings was analyzed for each apartment complex using the ENVI-met simulation program. Also, the outdoor thermal environment analysis technique in the high-rise apartment complex was validated through the outdoor vertical temperature measurement in the apartment building complex. As a result of the analysis of the outdoor thermal environment, ground surface temperature was analyzed to be strongly influenced by the surface heating by solar radiation. In addition outdoor temperature at the pedestrian level increases with increasing the plan area density (λp) and the frontal area density (λF). However, in the case of high-rise apartment buildings, the trend of increasing the outdoor temperature is relatively large, which suggests that the increase in the density of the buildings affects the outdoor thermal environment. As a result of the analysis of the outdoor thermal environment, when planning a high-rise apartment complex, it is suggested that the density and the shape should be actively considered to improve the outdoor thermal environment.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회