
논문명 제습증발냉각 전외기 공조시스템의 설계 프로세스 개발/Development of the Design Process of Liquid Desiccant and Evaporative Cooling-assisted 100% Outdoor Air System (LD-IDECOAS)
저자명 최은지(Choi, Eun-Ji) ; 정덕수(Jung, Deok-Soo) ; 정재원(Jeong, Jae-Weon)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.12 No.1
페이지 시작페이지(61) 총페이지(11)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 제습증발냉각기반 전외기 공조시스템 ; 시스템 설계 프로세스 ; 급기 상태 ; 시스템 용량산정 LD-IDECOAS ; System design process ; Condition of supply air ; System sizing
요약2 The main purpose of the research is to rearrange and devise a design process of LD-IDECOAS based on previously conducted researches. The brief design process are as follows; First, the set point for indoor condition of the building spaces are determined, and the peak and hourly thermal loads of the spaces are calculated. Next, design flow rate of the supply air is determined and air conditions at each point of the system are estimated to determine the supply air set point. Based on the results above using a commercial engineering equation solver program (EES), the sizing of the components is specified. Last, the energy consumption of the system is analyzed based on the peak summer load specifically developed for designing the LD-IDECOAS. The results were compared with the data from the previous researches and showed similar tendency, through which has verified the reliability of the suggested design process.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회