
논문명 카고메 트러스 패널을 활용한 벽체의 차음성능 특성/Sound Isolation Characteristic of Wall System Using Kagome Truss Panel
저자명 황재승(Hwang, Jae-Seung) ; 류종관(Ryu, Jong-Kwan) ; 송한솔(Song, Han-Sol) ; 박현구(Park, Hyeon-Ku) ; 이태진(Lee, Tae-Jin) ; 박희준(Park, Hee-Jun) ; 박세훈(Park, Se-Hoon)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.12 No.1
페이지 시작페이지(48) 총페이지(13)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 카고메트러스 ; 차음성능 ; 투과손실 ; 3중벽체 Kagome truss ; Sound isolation performance ; Sound transmission ; Triple wall system
요약2 This study investigated the sound isolation characteristic of wall system using the Kagome truss panel through sample and full-scale sound isolation experiments. Samples (1×1 m2, depth:100 mm) of Kagome truss panel were first tested in the rectangular chamber. The samples consisted of various surface materials (steel plate, CRC board, gypsum board, and plywood), Kagome truss and filling materials (urethane foam, aerated concrete and light-weight concrete). Results of sample test showed that the Kagome truss panel with steel plate and urethane foam had best sound isolation performance (48 dB in Rw). Additional sound isolation experiment with wall panel (3.9×2.4 m2, depth: 270 mm) in full-scale was conducted in the reverberation chamber. The wall system was comprised of gypsum board, air-space, C-stud with glass wool and the Kagome truss panel with steel plate and urethane foam, which was used in the sample test. It was shown that sound isolation performance of the triple wall system using the Kagome truss panel was 58 dB in Rw. The sole Kagome truss panel showed sound isolation performance of 44 dB in Rw, which is lower than result in sample test. It was also shown that sound isolation performance was increased by about 5 dB in Rw after installing gypsum board and glass wool, respectively. Computational analysis of sound transmission for the wall system was also conducted and compared with the results of experiment.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회