
논문명 아파트 거주자의 에어컨 사용행태 분석 사례 연구/A Case Study on the Air-conditioner Use of Occupant Behavior in Apartment
저자명 문선혜(Mun, Sun-Hye) ; 곽인규(Kwak, In-Kyu) ; 박광일(Park, Kwang-Il) ; 허정호(Huh, Jung-Ho)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.12 No.1
페이지 시작페이지(27) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 에어컨 사용 ; 거주자 ; 설정온도 ; 확률적 행태 ; 불쾌지수 Air-conditioner use ; Residents ; Set-point temperature ; Probabilistic behavior ; Discomfort index
요약2 The purpose of this study is to analyze the air conditioner (AC) use behavior of occupants based on monitoring data. The indoor temperature and humidity, the occupancy state, and the infrared signal of the AC remote control of 4 households were collected. Using the above data, specific user behavior (on/off, set-temperature, air volume, etc. adjustment) was determined. The collected information on the AC use was divided into three categories based on the occupancy state; entering, leaving, and staying. The probability of turning on and off on the AC according to the DI (discomfort index) while staying the room was also analyzed. The result of this study is significant for future research on predicting the energy consumption propensity of the residents and for developing on AC use model based on user behavior.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회