
논문명 내부결로 평가방법에 따른 총 함습량 비교/Comparison of Total Moisture Content by Internal Condensation Evaluation Method
저자명 김경수(Kim, Kyung-Soo) ; 장향인(Jang, Hyang-In) ; 박창영(Park, Chang-Young) ; 유동철(Yoo, Dong-Chul) ; 최창호(Choi, Chang-Ho)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.11 No.6
페이지 시작페이지(558) 총페이지(14)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 내부결로 ; 함습량 ; WUFI ; ISO 13788 ; EN 15026 Internal condensation ; Moisture Content ; WUFI ; ISO 13788 ; EN 15026
요약2 Although the domestic condensation standards are set forth in the "Standards for Preventing Condensation in Multi-Residential Houses" stipulated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, they are interpretation on surface condensation acquired by using the method evaluating the dew point temperature, and cannot be applied to the interpretation of interstitial condensation. As such, this study aims to contemplate foreign interstitial condensation evaluation methods and conducts comparative analysis according to the interstitial condensation evaluation factors. After the interpretation model is set, the comparison through the performance evaluation following the evaluation standards are conducted based on the interpretation factors contemplated in the previous stage. Thus, this study intends to contribute to the improvement of the standards for the domestic interstitial condensation evaluation. The study results are as follows. (1) Even though ISO 13788 and EN 15026 predict the condensation based on the humidity transfer, ISO 13788 cannot respond to complex external environments. Hence, EN 15026 of the condensation calculation method is more precise than the ISO 13788. (2) Results of the performance evaluation suggested that in the case (Interstitial Surface 1) of Solid Brick Masonry and Interior Plaster, the risk of condensation of ISO 13788 and EN 15026 are 40.2% and 24.0%, respectively, and it is analyzed that complex climate factors and water transfer (capillary phenomenon) are reasons for such difference. (3) Results of the performance evaluation indicated that in the case (Interstitial Surface 2) of EPS and Interior Plaster, the risk of condensation of ISO 13788 and EN 15026 are 20.8% and 0%. Accordingly, it is viewed that the evaluation method considering water transfer (capillary phenomenon) and complex climate factors should be added to the domestic condensation standards.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회