
논문명 축소 모형을 이용한 건물녹화시스템의 온열성능 평가/Assessment of the Thermal Performance of Building Integrated Vegetation System through Small Scale Model
저자명 박준성(Park, Joon-Sung) ; 한승원(Han, Seung-Won) ; 김재순(Kim, Jea-Soon) ; 송규동(Song, Kyoo-Dong)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.11 No.6
페이지 시작페이지(485) 총페이지(14)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 건물녹화시스템 ; 옥상녹화 ; 녹화용 식물 ; 도시열섬효과 Building Integrated Vegetation System ; Green Roofs ; Greenery Plants ; Urban Heat Island Effect
요약2 This study presents method for evaluating the performance of thermal condition in building with BIVS (Building Integrated Vegetation System) using small scale model. The building model, which has the volume of 1m (W) × 1m (D) × 1m (H) and the wall-thickness of 0.1m, was used for field test. Experimental Site is located in Suwon, Korea. Thermal sensors are installed at and inside each layers of BIVS and building structures. The datum of temperature and relative humidity is recorded by connecting to data logger. Sedum middendorffianum and Liriope platyphylla are used for experimental plants. It takes two weeks for experiment in sunny summer. The mean and standard deviation of temperature and relative humidity in ambient air, one room in building that installed BIVS and the other in control building are 26.9±4.1°C and 79.9±16.9%, 24.8±1.5°C and 92.2±0.7%, 24.8±2.1°C and 91.1±1.8% respectively. BIVS can decrease indoor temperature to almost 3°C in similar relative humidity condition. The thermal insulation property of BIVS planted the Sedum middendorffianum is better than that of Liriope platyphylla.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회