
논문명 건물에너지모델(BEM)의 정밀도와 에너지 해석 특성 평가/Characteristics of Performance by Different Level-Of-Details (LOD) for Building Energy Model(BEM)
저자명 이명희(Lee, Myung-Hee) ; 채영태(Chae, Young-Tae)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.11 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(364) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 건물에너지모델 ; 정밀도 ; 시뮬레이션 ; 에너지 ; 특성 BEM ; Level of Details (LOD) ; Simulation ; Energy ; Characteristics
요약2 This study presents a comparison analysis on characteristics of energy performance by different LOD (Level-Of-Details) for BEM (Building Energy Model). Although building energy simulation has been interested in planning energy conservation measures (ECMs) for both new and exist buildings, there are lack of specific studies on the detail levels for energy modeling to get reliable energy performance data on buildings. Energy simulation for a residential building with five different level of details for a residential building have been conducted to understand how the simplicity of BEM impacts on the energy performance of design day and annual energy consumption. As a result, it is necessary to separate the conditioned space from the non conditioned space as the simplification of the geometric in order to reduce the labor of building energy simulation. Also Simplification of material characteristic is suitable for understanding the load characteristic by setting in detail according to the baseline model.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회