
논문명 공동주택 옥상의 파라펫 일체형 소형풍력발전기(PSWP) 적용을 위한 기류분석/An Analysis of Air Current for Application of Parapet Small Wind Power (PSWP) Generators on the Rooftop of Apartment Buildings
저자명 김상윤(Kim, Sang-Yun) ; 이용호(Lee, Yong-Ho) ; 황정하(Hwang, Jung-Ha)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.11 No.3
페이지 시작페이지(203) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 파라펫 ; 소형풍력발전 ; 기류분석 ; 발전기 효율 향상 ; 도심풍력자원 Parapet ; Small Wind Power ; Air-flow Analysis ; Improved Generator Efficiency ; Urban wind resource
요약2 Being an experimental study of CFD simulation and air current measurement for application of PSWP generators on the rooftop of apartment buildings, this research developed urban wind power resources based on the wind speed data for the recent decade by Daegu’s Branch Office of Meteorology and designed and manufactured a PSWP module according to the current status of arrangements and rooftop parapets of apartment buildings and CFD simulation. It developed a method to optimize the efficiency of PSWP generators by creating the same outside air condition as the rooftop of apartment buildings and measuring air currents according to outside air velocity, wind direction change and PSWP installation condition. The results of the experiment according to outside air velocity, parapet distance, the percentage of perforated sheet, angle of guide vane, extension height of parapet and generator arrangement are as follows: For variable installations of generators for changes in outside air environment, outside air velocity over 5.0m/s and parapet, a distance of less than 0.5m is required to secure operating wind speed more than 3.0m/s; if the distance is over 0.5m, the height of parapet needs to be increased. When it comes to wind speed by wind direction, frontal winds are more advantageous than crosswinds; accordingly, as for the percentage of perforated sheet, an enclosed structure is favorable. For wind speed by guide vane angle, a horizontal angle to the wind direction (0°) is better. Also, the highest extension of parapet support, 0.45m, is more advantageous. For a single arrangement of a generator, the top of the parapet is effective, while the top of the front and the middle of the back are the most favorable for a double arrangement.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회