
논문명 조건부 수요분석법을 적용한 공동주택의 용도별 상세 에너지사용량 추정모델 개발/Development of Estimation Model for End-Use Energy Consumption by Usage in Apartment Building Units via Conditional Demand Analysis
저자명 강진경(Kang, Jin-Kyung) ; 김성임(Kim, Sung-Im) ; 진혜선(Jin, Hye-Sun) ; 임수현(Lim, Su-Hyeon) ; 임재한(Lim, Jae-Han) ; 송승영(Song, Seung-Yeong)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.11 No.2
페이지 시작페이지(131) 총페이지(11)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 공동주택 ; 용도별 상세 에너지사용량 ; 영향인자 ; 추정모델 ; 추정 회귀식 apartment building units ; end-use energy consumption ; influence factors ; estimation model ; estimation regression equation
요약2 Establishing effective Action-Plan toward the reduction of energy consumption in apartment building units requires information on end-use energy consumption by usage ultimately consumed by residents, but relevant classification and definition by usage and the resulting data collection were not available in domestic circumstance. The purpose of this study is to develope estimation model of end-use energy consumption by usage in order to provide the data for end-use energy consumption by usage consumed ultimately by residents in apartment building units using the data on energy consumption by energy sources of the households. For this purpose, analyzed features on end-use energy consumption by usage by capitalizing on measurement data and household features, and based on the derived effective influence factors, estimation model was developed, and estimation regression equation was derived. This study can be utilized as fundamental material on data about estimating end-use energy consumption by usage by putting simple features of residents as input variables.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회