
논문명 냉방 설비시스템 운영스케줄 및 부분부하효율을 고려한 기존 건축물 에너지 성능평가 적용사례 연구/Building energy performance evaluation method considering the actual operation of the air conditioning plant
저자명 이승호(Lee, Seung-Ho) ; 김정석(Kim, Jung-Seok) ; 김회서(Kim, Hway-Suh)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.10 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(341) 총페이지(6)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 기존 건축물 ; 부분부하효율 ; 건축물 에너지 사용량 ; 가중치 계수 Existing buildings ; Part load efficiency ; Building energy usage ; Weighting factor
요약2 The European Union; U.K, Germany, France, etc already utilize the energy efficiency grade system of new and existing structures as a measure of policy by issuing the certificate since 2009. The "Energy efficiency grade of structures certificate system" which was enforced in domestic are expanded to existing structures as well (as) from September 2013. The government oblige the attachment of ‘energy efficiency grade of architecture certificate’ when it comes to lease of transaction of structures. The energy efficiency of new and existing structures are evaluated by some simulation tools like ECO2 (which) based on international standard method ISO13790 , ECO2-OD, BESS. At this, the energy efficiency evaluation of new and existing structures is evaluated by using 'Drawings and specifications' in the same condition. Therefore, result value of energy efficiency of existing structures is considered to be same with the new structures. Because few segments; deterioration and operational variables are not reflected to this test. In this study, our goal is to check the validity of simulation result value by "Drawings and specifications" and simulation result value of air conditioner system which consumed the most energy in the equipment system by on-site measuring method considered deterioration and operational values by utilizing the ASHRAE Guideline.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회