논문명 |
건식이중바닥구조와 하부 천장구조의 조합에 따른 바닥충격음 평가/Impact Sound Insulation Performances of Dry Double-floating Floor and Air Flow System of Ceiling |
저자명 |
연준오(Yeon, Jun-Oh) ; 김명준(Kim, Myung-Jun) ; 김경우(Kim, Kyoung-Woo) ; 양관섭(Yang, Kwan-Seop) |
발행사 |
한국건축친환경설비학회 |
수록사항 |
한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집
Vol.10 No.3
페이지 |
시작페이지(207) 총페이지(6)
1976-6483 |
주제분류 |
주제어 |
바닥충격음 ; 건식바닥구조 ; 중량충격음 ; 천장구조 ; 가진점 Floor Impact Sound ; Dry double-floor system ; Heavy-weight impact sound source ; Ceiling construction method ; Impact point
요약2 |
In the present study, floor impact sound reductions by floor structure and ceiling were investigated. Upper layer of a dry double floating floor was made of recycled materials. Also, steel as well wooden beams were applied to the dry double floating floor then impact sound insulations of them were measured. It was found that light-weight impact sound insulation of the floor with steel beam was improved by 4 dB (L'n,AW) compared to the floor with wooden beam. Moreover, heavy-weight impact sound insulations of the floor with steel beam were enhanced by 3 dB and 4 dB (L'i,Fmax,AW), respectively using bang machine and rubber ball. As a second experiment, the impacts of ceiling aperture on the floor impact sounds were measured while the steel beams were installed to the dry double floating floor. The light-weight impact sound insulation was found to be best, 32 dB when apertures were applied to perimeters of coffered ceiling. The heavy-weight impact sound insulation measured by the bang machine was 48 dB when the apertures were installed to moldings. In contrast, two experimental cases without any aperture and apertures on perimeters of the coffered ceiling showed best heavy-weight impact sound insulations of the rubber ball (40 dB). Lastly, influences of impact positions on single number ratings were investigated. It was observed that there was not a significant relationship between impact positions and single number ratings. |
소장처 |
한국건축친환경설비학회 |