
논문명 저에너지 건물에 적용되는 열전히트펌프 시스템 요소의 최적화/Optimizing Thermoelectric Heat Pump (THP) Elements for Low-Energy Buildings
저자명 김예원(Kim, Ye-weon)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.10 No.3
페이지 시작페이지(201) 총페이지(6)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 열전 히트펌프 ; 저에너지 건물 ; 펠티에 효과 ; 전열 교환기 ; 전열교환기 Thermoelectric Heat Pump ; Low energy building ; Peltier effect ; ESMVS ; air-to-air heat exchanger
요약2 Thermoelectric heat pumps (THPs) offer many advantages over dynamic heat pumps. They produce less vibration and noise, and require lower costs in their initial setup and maintenance. However, the use of THPs has been limited because their (COPSHP) have been relatively low. However, in line with improving building performance, buildings' energy demands decrease (i.e., in low-energy buildings), and the temperature differentials (ΔT) decrease between the two thermoelectric module surfaces?one for absorbing heat and one for giving off heat, thus increasing the COPSHP of THPs. Furthermore, thermoelectric materials' performance (ZT) and radiator panels' thermal resistance(Rth) are gradually improving as well, and THPs show potential enough to be an alternative for dynamic heat pumps. This study assumes the improvement of THPs in ZT and Rth values, applies THPs in a low-energy building that is equipped with an exhaust/supply mechanical ventilation system (ESMVS), and calculates the number of optimum thermoelectric modules and the sizes of optimum electric currents that are sufficient for achieving optimum COPSHP. The study results show that (1) depending on the values of ZT and Rth, the temperature differential(ΔT) and electrical intensity (I) values change, and numbers of achieving optimum modules are limited; (2) the numbers of optimum modules decrease as ZT increases and increase as Rth decreases; and(3) with a ZT value being1.6, the COP increases by 39.7% at 2.7, and with an Rth value of 0.0005[K/W], the COP increases by 75.3%.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회