
논문명 시뮬레이션 평가 기준 및 방법에 따른 창세트 열관류율 비교/Comparative analysis of U-Value in Window System According to Simulation Evaluation Standards and Methods
저자명 강혜숙(Kang, Hye-Suk) ; 유동철(Yoo, Dong-Chul) ; 이건호(Lee, Keon-Ho) ; 장대희(Jang, Dae-Hee) ; 최창호(Choi, Chang-Ho)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.9 No.5
페이지 시작페이지(285) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 창세트 ; 시뮬레이션 ; 열관류율 ; ISO 15099 ; ISO 10077 Window-Set ; Simulation ; U-value ; ISO 15099 ; ISO 10077
요약2 The purpose of this study was to verify the suitability of the simulation test for domestic and international window-set U-values by discussing the input conditions and calculation methods for the same simulation test and comparing the calculated results for various window-sets. To this end, a total of 18 cases were selected, where glass, cavities, frames, spacers, windows sizes, etc, for double glazing fixed-windows and triple glazing fixed-windows have been changed. Then, domestic and international U-values by criteria were compared by performing a simulation using WINDOW&THERM, a certified program. The analytic results of domestic and international standards revealed that domestic standards and NFRC used the calculation method through the Edge area and that CEN used linear thermal transmittance(ψ) as a calculation method. In the Indoor and outdoor temperature conditions, domestic standards and CEN were similar but NFRC was somewhat different. The results of comparing U?value errors based on the Korea test found NFRC -6.22% ~+9.50%, CEN -4.98% ~ -1.23%. The U-value of the case calculated based on CEN standards tended to be mostly higher than that in domestic conditions. This tendency may have been caused by the difference between convective heat transfer coefficient and frame effective thermal conductivity in air space. The results of the domestic standards-applied simulation of window-set thermal transmittance showed an error rate within 10%, compared to NFRC and CEN. The above study confirmed the suitability of the simulation test for domestic window-set U-values.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회