
논문명 공동주택 냉·난방 2차 펌프의 밸브 개도율에 따른 차압제어 성능평가/The Evaluation of the differential pressure control on the Valve Open Rate of the Secondary Pumps in the Heating and Cooling System of Apartments
저자명 조영남(Jo, Young-Nam) ; 박헌준(Park, Heon-Jun) ; 최두연(Choi, Doo-Yeon) ; 이정재(Yee, Jung-Jae)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.9 No.4
페이지 시작페이지(304) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 변유량 시스템 ; 2차 펌프 ; 인버터 펌프 ; Flowmaster ; 시뮬레이션 Variable water volume(VWV) system ; Secondary pump ; Inverter pump ; Flowmaster ; Simulation
요약2 This study analyzed the characteristics of the variable flow system of the secondary pumps in the heating/cooling system of apartments by control method and selected a control method which can be applied to new building construction and existing building remodeling. The system applicability was reviewed on the selected control method by using the piping network analysis program Flowmaster V7 and the system performance was examined by comparing the energy consumption of the variable flow system to the energy consumption of a fixed flow system. The result of the study shows the following. At the valve open rate of 0.2ratio and the differential pressure target value of 1.0bar, the energy saving rate was 84.51% (5.73kW). The saving rate was 72.86% (4.94kW) at 1.5bar, 59.44% (4.03kW) at 2.0bar and 43.66% (2.96kW) at 2.5bar. At the valve open rate of 0.4ratio and the differential pressure target value of 1.0bar, the energy saving rate was 80.20% (8.18kW). The saving rate was 63.04% (6.43kW) at 1.5bar, 46.08% (4.70kW) at 2.0bar and 25.00% (2.55kW) at 2.5bar. At the valve open rate of 0.6ratio and the differential pressure target value of 1.0bar, the energy saving rate was 68.35% (6.89kW). The saving rate was 43.15% (4.35kW) at 1.5bar, 46.08% (4.70kW) at 2.0bar and 17.36% (1.75kW) at 2.5bar.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회