
논문명 바이오가스 유효이용에 의한 지구온실가스 저감에 관한 기초연구/A Basic Study on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions by the Use of Bio-Gas
저자명 김종민(Kim, Chong-Min)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , Vol.9 No.1
페이지 시작페이지(18) 총페이지(7)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 바이오가스 ; 이산화탄소저감 ; 지구온실가스 ; 청정개발사업 ; 지구온실가스 감축실적 크레디트 Biogas ; Carbon dioxide reduce ; Greenhouse gas ; Clean development mechanism ; Certified emission reductions
요약2 Recently, there have been studies in korea about to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions from a fundamental point of view, as the korean government has been putting focus on reducing GHG emissions, raising up photovoltaic, wind power, hydrogen-oxygen unit fuel cells as national strategic project items among 11 CDM items, to correspond to the united nations framework convention on climate change. Biogas from livestock excrements has been produced mostly in brazil, having many of globally expected projects in the field. Therefore, the mechanisms accomplished in brazil are applied to the domestic models in this study. By using these models, the effective use of biogas is studied, and the methods to reduce the GHG emissions by producing substitute electronic power are carried out. As a part of global warming countermeasures, this study aims to suggest methods to use bio gas from swine manure, one of the big livestock excrements. Besides, the approximate amount of GHG that is reduceable, considering the korean swine industry status at present, is estimated using simulations. The results of the study on biogas use and GHG emission reduction effect by bio gas use are as follows. (1) We processed the study on renewable energy use of biogas using IPCC model and the quantitative result for GHG reduction possibilities was output. As a result of the calculation on the standard of minimum amount of excrements, GHG emission reduction per year was converted into CO2 and the value was 3,771,207ton/year. This is equivalent to 2.3% of GHG emission which was exhausted in korea in 2003 and it means reduction possibilities. (2) Electricity generation caused by renewable energy use by using biogas is 821,250MWh/year and it charges 0.23% of whole generation of korea. Generation profit is approximately 59.7 million won per year. Yearly 895.5 million won of generation profit can be expected for 15 years. (3) The result of estimating Economical efficiency with the result of CDM project and the modeling which this study suggested was shown as table 5. (4) The result of this study on renewable energy use utilizing biogas, it was confirmed that potential value existed.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회