
논문명 온실가스 감축계획 수립을 위한 탄소지표 활용방안에 관한 연구/수송부문을 중심으로/Study on Measures of Utilization of the Carbon Emission Index for Establishment of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan - Focused on the transportation sector -
저자명 윤용상 ; 권가란 ; 심명희
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.8 n.4
페이지 시작페이지(207) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 탄소지표 ; 탄소배출 ; 온실가스 ; 도로수송 ; Carbon emission index ; Carbon emission ; Greenhouse gas ; Transportation by roads
요약2 In recent years, the Government of South Korea has provided execution plans to achieve the successful implementation for the goal of greenhouse gas reduction goal by 2020 for a variety of sectors such as industry, building and transportation. However, the goal and reduction measures proposed by the government have limitations to provide detailed reduction measures that reflect emission characteristics of urban cities. Thus, this study aimed to provide a measure that can establish greenhouse gas reduction plans in detail by developing a carbon emission index. The number of population is the most basic data to calculate the greenhouse gas emission amount in the transportation sector. Accordingly, a greenhouse gas emission baseline can be set up using the greenhouse gas emission amount per capita in local governments and greenhouse gas reduction goal. In this paper, therefore, a greenhouse gas emission amount per capita was set as the carbon emission index in the transportation sector. To review the effectiveness of the carbon emission index, three methodologies were used to calculate the greenhouse gas emission estimated in the transportation sector in No. 1 District of Geomdan New Town. The three methodologies are: first, emission calculated based on the number of registered vehicles as per vehicle type, second, emission calculated by the number of registered vehicles as per vehicle type and average driving distance, and third, emission calculated by the traffic volume by transport means and average traffic distance. Emission calculated by the above methodologies showed that if Geomdan New Town is developed as the same as other existing New Towns, the carbon emission index was estimated to produce 2.1 tCO2/capita·year. On the other hand, if Geomdan New Town introduces urban planning elements (walking incentive, bicycle incentive and public transport incentive polices etc.) with regard to transportation sector to create a green city, the carbon emission index was estimated to produce 2.0 tCO2/capita·year, resulting in reduction of 0.1 tCO2 per capita. As such, the carbon emission index can provide information with regard to the greenhouse gas emission characteristics of local governments as per emission sector so that it can be utilized as criteria that determine effectiveness of policies for greenhouse gas reduction.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회