
논문명 기상 및 건축물 성능 정보의 효율적 시각화를 위한 동적 그래픽 표현기법을 활용한 계량 습공기선도 프로그램의 개발/Development of Psychrometric Chart Program Applying Animated Graphical Method for Effective Visualization of Weather & Building Performance Data
저자명 오기환
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.8 n.3
페이지 시작페이지(117) 총페이지(10)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 정보의 시각화 ; 기상 파일 ; 데이터 파일 처리 ; 습공기선도 ; 일사량 예측 프로그램 ; Visualization of information ; Weather file ; Manipulation of data file ; Psychrometric chart ; Solar simulation program
요약2 The purpose of this paper is to develop an effective graphical presentation method which can be applied by an improved weather data display program in visualization of weather data as well as building energy analysis data. Weather data, either measured or calculated for a site, is critically important for the accurate estimation of a building's energy use. Various methods have been developed to collect and format or pack weather data to make the appropriate weather data files to be used for specific building energy simulation programs. However, most of the previous efforts have mainly focused on the numerical accuracy and reliability of the weather-formatting routines. Therefore, an effective and easy-to-use animated graphical psychrometric-chart program has been developed to visualize the characteristics of weather information and their possible impacts on environment and energy use of the simulated building. This research shows an improved psychrometric chart introducing color schemes and animations that improve visualizing the characteristics of weather data and its impacts on building design solutions. The improved psychrometric chart is presented so that it not only displays temperature and humidity, but also displays a third weather parameter such as solar radiation, precipitation, wind speed, etc., with a specific time interval. This tool shows possibilities in effective visualization of the large-scale numeric data, utilization of raw data for the early stage architectural design, and development of re-sample methods for the big database.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회