요약2 |
The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of application to sustainable green technologies, and the trends in the application of LEED credits. The data in this paper, were selected for analysis of the case studies of 2,391 buildings, which are certified by LEED NC 2.2 point system in the United States from 2000 to 2012. The following results from this study are 1) LEED sections with higher total credit points amongst each other, which shows a large difference between categories(Platinum, Gold, Silver, Certified), and LEED sections with lower total credit points were relatively even. 2) Even though, the Energy & Atmosphere section is the highest credit rating(17 points), the result of the analysis of this section was the lowest overall percentage in the sustainable green technology application. As a result, to receive a higher level, the potential LEED project should be carried out in a systematic review from the planning stage. |