논문명 |
국외 사례분석을 통한 녹색 리모델링 종합정보시스템의 구축 방안 연구/A Study on the Development Methods for Integrated Green Remodeling Information System Using the Analysis of Abroad Cases |
저자명 |
김연아 ; 장향인 ; 박창영 ; 안형준 ; 조성훈 ; 이건호 ; 최창호 |
발행사 |
한국건축친환경설비학회 |
수록사항 |
한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집
v.7 n.4
페이지 |
시작페이지(257) 총페이지(8)
1976-6483 |
주제분류 |
주제어 |
기존 건축물 ; 녹색 리모델링 ; 종합정보시스템 ; 의사결정지원시스템 ; 웹사이트 ; Existing Building ; Green Remodeling ; Integrated Information System ; Decision Support System ; Web-Site
요약2 |
The purpose of this study is to present guidance in information system development requirements and direction of developing an information system based on the analysis of existing information system. There is a great need for an information system that can be used by all groups ranging from accredited professionals to newcomers to the industry and to non-related professions. Therefore, this study provides guidance drawing on main contents and system configurations of existing successful information systems to help developers to make effective decisions regarding the development of the system. 'Energy analysis' 'codes and regulations' 'pre-check information' 'remodeling strategies' 'technologies' 'case studies' and, 'business and finance' are the main contents of the web information system and these contents will have sub-pages that consists of detailed information for each of these contents. The purpose of this integrated information system is to get active participation from users and thereby gradually increasing green remodeling and promoting sustainability. |
소장처 |
한국건축친환경설비학회 |