
논문명 건물 구조체에 따른 히트펌프 시스템 계절별 에너지 효율 계수/Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratings of Heat Pump Systems against Building Structure
저자명 이득환 ; 유호경 ; 한세희 ; 최현웅 ; 김재민
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.7 n.4
페이지 시작페이지(223) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 SEER ; KS C 9306 ; 히트펌프 ; 냉난방 부하 ; 시뮬레이션 ; 냉난방기간 계전별 효율계수 ; SEER ; KS C 9306 ; Heat Pump ; Heating/cooling Load ; Simulation ; Cooling energy Efficiency Ratio ; Heating Energy Efficiency Ratio
요약2 While nominal COPs which are determined under a steady static condition cannot represent the actual system efficiency of heat pumps, seasonal energy efficiency ratings (SEER) are used for the more realistic performance assessment. SEERs are calculated by taking account of building energy partial load patterns which are determined by outdoor temperature bin and simplied heating/cooling load calculation. Although SEERs could be used for the assessment of the system performance, it is questionable that the nature of the simplified calculation provides accepvy accuracy of the results taking account of building configuration(e.g. thermal capacity, window ratio etc), regional climate conditions etc). The purpose of this study is to test the applicability of SEERs of heat pump systems integrated within a building. The KS C 9306 method for calculating SEERs was investigated and used for the comparison analysis with the detailed simulation tool Energyplus in terms of system efficiency rates according to the partial load profiles.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회