
논문명 건물 실내녹화 조성방법에 관한 국외사례 조사 및 분석/Case studies and analysis of Indoor Landscaping Methods in Foreign Buildings
저자명 배영미 ; 정은진 ; 김용식 ; 장재동
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.6 n.3
페이지 시작페이지(151) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 1976-6483
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 건물 실내녹화 ; 국외사례 조사 및 분석 ; 기대효과 ; 설치방식 ; 채광·환기·관수 방식 ; Indoor Landscaping in foreign buildings ; Case studies and analysis ; Expected effect ; Method of application ; Method of Lighting ; Ventilating and irrigation
요약2 This study investigated and analyzed for indoor landscaping of foreign buildings. It surveyed the expected effects, installation methods, and environmental control systems used in their design and operation. These areas were also analyzed based on the buildings’ type. Indoor landscaping was primarily found in business, commercial, residential, public, educational, and healthcare buildings. The main anticipated benefits of indoor landscaping were occupant health, indoor environmental quality, and economic benefits to the building users. The importance of those expectations varied according to building type. Installation methods were classified by planter, garden, and space type. Planters were categorized as raised, recessed, vertical, or sloped. Gardens were categorized as planar or volumetric. Space was categorized as single or multi level. Installation methods also varied according to building usage and indoor conditions. Daylighting, the most common source of light, was primarily brought in through atriums, skylights, and side windows. Electrical lighting was applied to areas where the use of daylighting was ineffective. Although natural ventilation was widely used, mechanical ventilation was the principle means of ventilation. Irrigation used both manual and automated systems. However, manual irrigation was more common in smaller landscaped areas whereas automated irrigation was applied to larger areas. In conclusion, the study found that the methods of lighting, ventilation, and irrigation were more influenced by the architecture of a space rather than by a building’s use.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회