
논문명 아트리움형 초고층 건물의 친환경 계획 요소에 관한 연구/Sustainable Design Approaches of Atrium Tall Buildings
저자명 조성익
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.5 n.3
페이지 시작페이지(176) 총페이지(8)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 초고층 ; 친환경 ; 아트리움 ; Tall building ; Sustainable architecture ; Atrium
요약2 The purpose of this study is to research the sustainable design approaches for the tall buildings, focusing on the buildings with a vertical atrium. It shows how the vertical atrium achieves the energy-saving qualities in the tall buildings, which should be considered in the early stage of design process. With a few building examples, this study mainly examines Sangam Landmark Tower which was designed for Sangam district in Seoul to find out the key design components of the sustainability potentials in the vertical atrium. The 80-story high atrium in the center of the Sangam Landmark Tower helps draw the natural light into the deep interior space of the tower. Also, it facilitates the natural ventilation forming a buffer area between the outside and inside spaces to improve the living environment. This area could be used as an 'natural air filter' if proper vegetations are selected and planted. Wind-power generation is also considered using the vertical atrium. For that, the Sangam Landmark Tower introduces the 'eco chimney' concept. The exhausted air from the room climbs up through the atrium by the stack effect and it drives the six turbines on the top of the atrium. Since the demands for the tall tower have increased locally and globally, the recent trend to build the tall tower has been focused on the energy-saving quality of the building. The more studies and architectural concepts are needed to achieve the quality to find the underlying chances in the verticality of the building, specially in the early stage of the design process.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회